Friday, September 7, 2007

Ron Paul is Nothing New, Please Shut the Fuck Up About Him

The 2008 US presidential field is filled with duds and shitheels, but none get me as riled up as fringe Republican candidate Ron Paul. It's not just his asinine policies, inconsistent voting record and archaic 19th century worldview; it's also the fact that his hordes of internet followers have been collectively creaming their pants over him for the past 5 months now. It's admittedly refreshing to see an anti-war Republican on the stage, but that doesn't justify the cult of personality being built around him, especially when you factor in the fact that he wants to return to the gold standard and phase out public education. Just Google Ron Paul and you'll find a wealth of bizarre, Stalinist devotion, often manifested in hilariously stupid images such as the one above.

The worst offenders of Ron Paul mania are the masses of 19-year-old, bright-eyed idealists who think that his ideas are new, revolutionary, and would work great if only someone would put them into practice. The obvious punchline is that the US was operating under Paul's libertarian paradise for basically the first half of its history. And guess what: the food and drug companies didn't self-regulate in the absence of the FDA (in fact, they were dumping snake oil and arsenic into their goods with impunity), the gold standard wasn't inflation-proof (Oh how I long to return to constant and wild spasms of inflation and deflation), and a lack of public schools left much of the population too illiterate to perform most of today's jobs.

So here's my simple plea to you, you noble captains of the good ship RONPAUL: keep your beautiful dreams of pulling out of Unicef and abolishing the CIA to yourselves instead of spewing your nonsense and peddling your shit candidate on Youtube and Digg comments (Lord knows those outlets already have more than enough retarded in them). Thanks in advance.

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